Rita, ICON Coach Southern ICON Network 3 Catholic Education Office, Melbourne  ICT Leader ​ and Teacher​ St Bede’s Primary School

Rita, ICON Coach Southern ICON Network 3 Catholic Education Office, Melbourne ICT Leader ​ and Teacher​ St Bede’s Primary School

St Bede’s, North Balwyn is using the new nForma reporting format (beta version) this semester and we are really happy with it. CEPL made all the requirements from the school very clear. They have communicated when every aspect of the package would be available and the team have met each deadline every time. The staff at St Bede’s have all found the format easy to navigate and we feel it will give parents greater information about their children’s progress than the old system. The support from CEPL is always wonderful. No request or issue is too big and is always dealt with promptly. We feel privileged to be one of the trial schools and think it is something all schools will be excited about in 2016.